"The funny and mischievous goose boy, one day, will run away to his friend - Mananiko lake and will end up in the fox sorority. You will see how Bati Chuki gets out of Melia's sorority and what obstacles Manana will face at the Professional State Theater of Puppets and Young Audiences in Batumi. Half-puppet and half-live-action performance – "Bat Chuki" is interactive and promises a great adventure for elementary school students."
Director: Gela Geladze
Duration: 35 min
Recommended age: 3+
Schedule and prices
"The funny and mischievous goose boy, one day, will run away to his friend - Mananiko lake and will end up in the fox sorority. You will see how Bati Chuki gets out of Melia's sorority and what obstacles Manana will face at the Professional State Theater of Puppets and Young Audiences in Batumi. Half-puppet and half-live-action performance – "Bat Chuki" is interactive and promises a great adventure for elementary school students."
Director: Gela Geladze
Duration: 35 min
Recommended age: 3+
Tickets can be purchased both at the theater box office and online
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